Case Study

Hadyard Hill Windfarm

SSE Renewables


Girvan, Ayrshire


15 Months


52 WTG – 120MW


5 million

Livingston M and E Specialists Logo

At the time of its construction, Hadyard Hill Windfarm was Europe’s largest onshore windfarm. It provided 120MW of wind generated power – enough to keep the lights and heat on in 40,000 homes.

We were tasked with the design, procurement, build and commission of the site’s electrical system and for the export substation, which connected the farm to the grid, the balance of plant works. As the project attracted a lot of attention within the local community, we took a proactive role in community relations by attending meetings and communication events in local towns and villages. We also used local workers and suppliers wherever possible.

Data and Fibre • Community liaison • Electrical system design, procurement, build, and commission • Supply chain management

The project required over one thousand 33kv cable joints and we installed over 100km of cable in the ground. To achieve the required standards and deadlines, we had a forty strong team on site for 15 months.