Case Study
Public Sector

Parliament House Redevelopment​

Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service




58 weeks


2 floors


2.9 million

We were tasked with refurbishing two floors of the Category A Listed Parliament House to create office spaces for the Scottish Law Commission. This involved all downtaking and refurbishment, installing a new mezzanine floor, low-rise platform lift, windows, and a curtain wall system. A range of M&E services including drainage, data, CCTV, security, ventilation, and lighting were also involved. In keeping with the move towards Net Zero, the project also included a number of sustainability and energy-efficient measures such as boiler upgrades and new energy-efficient lighting design and controls.

Because the project was in a listed building, the outside appearance of the building could not be changed in any way, so sash and case windows were refurbished rather than replaced. Internally, rooms of historic interest, such as the library, had only minimal work carried out such as flooring adjustments and minor sympathetic decoration.

Quiet seating area with tables and chairs

Fitout • Downtakings • Refurbishment • Window refurbishment • Structural alterations • External works

Because the building is home to the Court of Session (Scotland’s supreme civil court) we were working in a high security live environment, so works were phased to help minimise disruption. To reduce the impact on court occupants, certain works – such as the removal and installation of large windows, and steelwork delivery and installation – were completed outside the operational hours of the court. Security and dust and noise levels were key considerations throughout the job, so the courts could operate as normal.